
Reduce Your Footprint
  • Seattle Union Station is LEED® Platinum certified and Energy Star Certified.
  • The latest in energy efficient touchless fixtures for energy conservation, cost savings, and wellness.
  • All Parking garages includes electric vehicle charging stations and onsite bicycle storage.
  • Centralized air flow system with MERV-13 (Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value) filters that retains more than 90% of common particles.
  • Non-VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) cleaning, disinfectant, and pest control products, reducing allergen and harsh chemical exposure.
  • Cleaning staff completing disinfectant high touch point cleaning before, during and after hours.
  • Recycling program including Electronic and Toner Recycling.
Axis Portal and CBRE are committed towards a greener tomorrow!

Ensuring a greener tomorrow requires instituting sustainable actions today. Axis encourages our clients, managers, and tenants to actively be a good steward of the environment in which we live, work, and play. Learn how we can all make a difference by browsing through the following helpful links.

Helpful Links
Bring Your Green to Work | How to make a personal difference
CBRE, Inc | Corporate initiative for 'a greener tomorrow'
CBRE Lamp Recycling | National lamp recycling program
Earthlab | Comprehensive carbon and lifestyle calculator
ENERGY STAR | EPA program for energy savings and certification
Global Reporting Initiative | Top sustainability reporting framwork
Greenguard | Recommendations for indoor living
NASA Climate Time Machine | Track climate change from space
USGBC | LEED green building certification and accreditation
WasteWise | Dedicated to conservation and preventing waste
Water Sense | EPA site for water efficiency and conservation